EFY Week 6: Provo 7B + Break Week 02

Yeah I didn’t post last week 🤗 now I get to play catch-up, hooray!

Week 6 of EFY was quite the adventure. It was my smallest group of youth to date (only 10 boys and 10 girls) so my co counselor, Skippy, and I were able to get to know them pretty well.

This was the first group of boys that I have had that did not have anyone who came with a friend already in the group and possibly one of the most rambunctious 😂 they were fast friends and eagerly helped one another throughout the week. One special characteristic of this group was that they had real questions about how to help those around them outside of EFY. I was truly inspired by them.

As the weeks go by, I keep finding new pieces of knowledge that I want to impart upon these youth. However, after six weeks, I have run out of the time necessary to teach these kids everything in my head. For example, I was sitting with the young men on our final night, listening to their highlights from the week and, as I listened, I would remember something that I hadn’t yet told them. Unfortunately, time was not on my side and bedtime was upon us. This just made me more grateful for the time and knowledge that I was giving this summer. It also reminded me that I am not a counselor at EFY to fix these boys but equip them with the tools and habits necessary to be strong in their beliefs and convictions.

Now, this last break week has been quite an interesting one. I used as much time as I could to prepare for the upcoming fall semester as well as recover from my previous weeks of EFY (it can be super taxing haha). In summary I:

  • sold my car 🚗 (the focus)
  • bought a new car 🚙 (the blueberry)
  • interviewed for and accepted a position for a company in Provo starting in August. (As this comes closer I’ll tell you more about it!)
  • registered for school (and figured out how to pay for it cause UVU out-of-state tuition is not cheap!)
  • Updated my print site (check it out here or via the link at the top of the page!)
  • slept 😴 (this was GLORIOUS)
  • I am so grateful to my family who helped me make all of this possible cause it would be a little overwhelming to do alone in a week. I also was able to spend time with my mom and brother who flew up for house shop for a week (cause they are moving up to Provo due to my dad’s new job).
  • Anyway, I am super amped for these next couple weeks because I will be in Idaho!! I will be part of one week in Pocatello and two weeks in Rexburg. Stay tuned for stories from those weeks!
  • Love you guys and thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing 🙏🏽
  • -Mitch
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